

WELCOME to the Kansas State Department of Education  English Language Arts and Literacy Website


ELA Spotlight

Standards Alignment

In addition to analyzing standards by grade level, teachers and teams should also break down standards to best understand learning targets, learning progressions, who benefited and who did not benefit, as well as potential vocabulary students need to understand for each particular standard. 
 Standards Alignment Instructions and Form
  TitleDescriptionModified DateCategory
DownloadStandards Alignment InstructionsFollow the directions in red.12/10/2024PDF
DownloadStandards Alignment FormBlank form12/10/2024PDF
 Standards Alignment: Writing Text Types and Purposes Examples
  TitleDescriptionModified DateCategory
DownloadKindergartenW.K.1 - W.K.3 12/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 1W.1.1 - W.1.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 2W.2.1 - W.2.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 3W.3.1 - W.3.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 4W.4.1 - W.4.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 5W.5.1 - W.5.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 6W.6.1 - W.6.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 7W.7.1 - W.7.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrade 8W.8.1 - W.8.312/10/2024PDF
DownloadGrades 9-10W.9-10.1 - W.9-10.312/10/2024PDF

KSDE has an English Language Arts listserv available for those interested in receiving information about upcoming trainings and current updates with standards and assessments. If you would like to be added to this list, please email Joann McRell at jmcrell@ksde.org.



K-12 ELA Standards (2023): The changes to the standards center upon structured literacy and the science of reading.in the Reading Foundational strand.  Another large change is the use of complex text so students experience a wide range of text at various levels.  Finally,  revision of standards RL/RI 2, 5, 6, 9, and 11a.

K-12 ELA Crosswalk (2023):  The crosswalk compares the 2023 ELA standards to the 2017 ELA standards and explains why the revisions were made.

K-12 ELA Standards: Vertical Alignment: Vertical alignment of the standards allows teachers to isolate the new learning at grade level.  Also, this is the document that should be used when completing standards alignment.

K-6 Handwriting Standards (2020):  Handwriting standards centered on the alignment of the formation of letters and creating 

Essential Elements Standards:  These ELA standards are for the lowest 1% of students.  They have been modified to reach the students zone of proximal development.  These should align with the DLM.


Dr. Laurie Curtis
Early Literacy/Dyslexia Program Manager

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