AP Seminar: English 10
The College Board on September 18 facilitated a webinar on how to complete the audit process and gain access to the teacher resources. Here is the link to that video: https://mediastream.ksde.org/Media/CSAS/English10APSeminar.mp4
Community of Practice:
December 2023: This CoP discusses the relationship between Kansas ELA standards and AP standards along with the sequence of AP English courses and scoring training requirements. Chris DeLuca gives information on pacing, Where should I be now? and Where should I be going next?. Grading during performance tasks becomes difficult. Learn some of Chris's tricks of the trade.
January 2024: Academic Conversations are pivotal during this time . Chris DeLuca shares updates to AI and guidelines given by College Board to address purposes and usages of various AI platforms. Using peer review to give students meaningful feedback is a must! Finally,what to I do with the stimulus materials? What pacing and guidance was given in using these for the first time.
- Steps to complete the AP Course Audit process:
Course Catalog Language for AP Seminar: English 10:
The AP Seminar: English 10 course exposes students to a variety of texts covering multiple genres, topics, and rhetorical contexts in a seminar-style setting. These courses foster students’ ability to summarize and explain the salient ideas in a text by analyzing an author’s perspective, rhetorical choices, and argumentative structure. Students evaluate a variety of literary, informational, and visual texts, and synthesize perspectives to develop evidence-based arguments. Students convey their findings through multiple written formats, multimedia presentations, and oral defenses.
Other Resources
Please contact Joann McRell for additional information at jmcrell@ksde.org or 785.296.2144.