Literacy Network of Kansas (LiNK): A project funded by the Federal Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Initiative

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 The Literacy Network of Kansas (LiNK)

LiNK presented its final report in December 2021 to the KSBE: Literacy Network of Kansas Implementation to Impact 2018-2021 (PDF) - updated March 21, 2022

 LiNK was established in 2017 with a federal Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy award. The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) awarded eight grant recipients in June 2018, representing 32 school districts. The intent of this award was to significantly impact birth through grade twelve literacy for Kansas schools and families, particularly for traditionally underserved populations, which by federal guidelines includes students with disabilities, English Learners, and students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Each district shared strategies which proved impactful in meeting the literacy needs of their communities in the LiNK Impact Stories below. Please click on each district’s link to see their story.

  1. Atchison-Leavenworth Consortium
  2. Dodge City USD 443 (infographic)
  3. Garden City USD 457 (PDF)
  4. Greenbush L9 Consortium (Combined PDF)
  5. Greenbush M7 Consortium (Combined PDF)      
  6. Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 (PDF) 
  7. Olathe USD 233 - Impact Tour (PDF) 
  8. Southwest Plains Consortium

LiNK Virtual Coaching (PDF) 
Twelve participating school districts with six LiNK projects.

Kansas instructional coaching Professional Development models highlighted at national convening: 

Contact Information

Kimberly Muff, Project Director

(785) 296-7779


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