ELA Assessment Information

The 2025 English Language Arts state assessment will include machine-scorable items for both reading and writing and is aligned to the 2023 Kansas Standards for English Language Arts. For additional information concerning the KAP assessments, please access the Assessment Development Guides under ELA Resources at Resources and Training | Kansas Assessment Program (ksassessments.org)

For more information on the ELA Assessment, please reference the Family Guides for English Language Arts:

Additional Family information can be found about other tests provided by the Kansas Assessment Program (KAP) and how to interpret KAP English Language Arts scores HERE.

Contact Information

         Joann McRell                                         Juanita Anderson                                                           
Humanities Program Manager                 Administrative Specialist
       jmcrell@ksde.org                                 janderson@ksde.org                                              
          785.296.2144                                         785.296.1978                                                    

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